The past month has been a major clearing for you in the home and family department. Lessons around how do deal with family members, how to re-create the family that you want and how to clear out the debris standing in between you and your grounding, settling down and feeling centered. The full Moon on January 4 tests out how well you've been able to utilize this energy. The full Moon will ignite something in your career; it's a little volatile in nature, however, so use the energy to break through any boundaries or old paradigms that you might be still tied to. The biggest movements of the month unfold in your Fifth House of love affairs, play, children and romance. Get your gear ready. Get your holiday gift cards and cash them in for some cute underoos. Get your attitude adjusted to having a good time. Venus will be here. Mars is finishing up its transit here. The new Moon on January 20 will be here. Mercury will turn retrograde here. Wait, what? Yes, it's time for another little review. But this one looks like it is far from devastating. Most likely it will have you running into old flames, finding new ways to navigate the terrain of the heart and relearning the importance of communicating clearly and concisely with your partners. Can you ask for what you need? Can you speak about your desires? If you have felt your libido waning lately you might want to delve into the possibility that there is a good reason for it and that the reason should be sought after, looked at and integrated -- or at least understood as important to your evolution as a creative being.
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