Beware of becoming a modern day Pygmalion and endowing a love interest with a patina of sexiness that doesn't exist except in your own head. Venus moves into the Eleventh House of love and happy endings and an "anything goes" mindset... and what a disappointment when you find you may have misread the signals again. If you've experienced letdowns lately, the message trying to come through is to keep your romantic partners off of pedestals. The weekend of May 16th, a New Moon in torrid Taurus brings with it the promise of the kinds of erotic goings-on that you usually shy away from. This month, though, you do take time with a lover and you know a few sexy secrets about slowly building love play to near ecstasy. May 21st, with the Sun moving into Gemini, a burst of naughty cosmic energy introduces new ideas into the mix and you might try to twist words so that your partner believes that they were their own brainchildren. What your task should be is to discover what it is your partner really wants, as too much novelty will not work for you, cut from the cloth of honesty as you are.
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